Once you reach out regarding our services you can expect the following:

  • Scheduling a 15-minute phone consultation to help us better determine how to meet your needs

  • Initial evaluation or consultation to determine plan of care and/or coaching goals

  • On-going therapy and/or coaching services and support tailored to your needs

We are here to provide you with the resources, tools, and services you need to improve your quality of life.

Coaching services

  • Technology Use

  • Public Speaking and Accent Modification

  • Dementia Education and Advocating for Your Loved One

  • On-Demand Courses and Guides


  • Speech and Language Disorders

  • Fluency (Stuttering)

  • Executive Functioning

  • Voice Disorders

  • Cognition

  • IEP Continuation Summer Services

Speech therapy, Coaching, and Consulting services.

Our services are individualized to best meet your needs. We offer a variety of options to support you wherever you are on your journey. Explore some of our speciality areas below:

Executive functioning coaching

Do you find that you have a hard time navigating day-to-day tasks? Suspect you have ADD/ADHD or already have a diagnosis? Whether or not you have a formal diagnosis, if you think you could benefit from support we are here to help. More than ever we are seeing adults seeking out assessment and treatment for ADD/ADHD. Many are finding difficulty navigating major life transitions such as transitioning from high school to college studies, working in their first professional job, and having their first child. These changes can throw off the delicate balance that many of us become accustomed to.

Executive functioning skills are what we use to manage complex tasks in daily life such as planning, scheduling, navigating transitions, managing our time, and getting started on tasks (especially undesirable ones). Let us help you learn more about how your brain works and establish effective systems to help you reach your full potential.

ADHD coaching executive functioning Columbia Falls Whitefish Kalispell

Digital health and wellness coaching

Modern technology has led to a Digital Age that is being navigated for the very first time. More than ever we are living our lives in front of screens. This has led to a rise in the use of technology and screen time for younger children. Adults have also seen a significant rise in screen time use, both at home and work which can impact how they react and respond to their children. Eliminating screens altogether is not an option for many individuals and families. We work alongside you to create a technology use plan for you and your family that is sustainable and purposeful.

technology use digital health wellness coaching Columbia Falls Kalispell Whitefish

Dementia Coaching SErvices

Tailored to families and caregivers to provide education and resources aimed at improving quality of life for loved ones with dementia, along with advocacy support and knowledge to navigate the healthcare system. Our goal is to assist families as they support their loved one with life transitions that come with the dementia process, which includes proactive conversations surrounding the professionals needed to provide support, services available, how to assist with “aging in place” and improving home safety, discussing and problem solving care challenges, and preparing for end-of-life care. Whether or not you or your loved one has a formal diagnosis or you have concerns regarding their cognition, we are here to provide guidance and support.

dementia coaching advocacy skilled nursing Columbia Falls Kalispell Whitefish

We Are Accepting New Clients for In-home and Online therapy services

We currently provide in-home services in Columbia Falls, Whitefish, and Kalispell.

The online therapy service delivery model provides flexibility in timing and location of services, which can be attended anywhere the client is at the time. We offer these services throughout the state of Montana. Whether you are sitting comfortably at home, on vacation, or traveling for work, online therapy is an excellent option to ensure continuity of care.